Dream Island Entertainment Company

Cris Jaymez is founder, CEO, and Music Producer of Dream Island Entertainment, an innovative and ambition-driven company. Here at Dream Island, we are committed and invested in being versatile and adventurous in all our endeavors. From recording albums, managing and promoting careers, staging events and shows, we are excited to push media to new heights.

Dream Island is not only a place to pursue a career. It is also a place to pursue a dream.

We are the home of the most innovative and ingenious artists and dancers around, all of whom are seeking to cross the divide between where they are and where they want to be.

We offer no guarantees for success, success is earned. We offer a platform to prove you warrant recognition and the luxuries that come with it.

Every person has a story, every person has a gift, something that defines who they are, a burning desire that drives them, an undeterred drive to fulfill a dream. We are no different, we are people as well. We have weaknesses, flaws and face adversities that can fill a person with doubt. However, and most importantly, we are gifted, hardworking, and have an unwavering will to succeed.

This is not a Record Label!  

This is not a Production Company!!  

This is a whole new world of media!!!

Body Of Work